Friday, February 25, 2011

Write Confirmation Letter Priest

tiles go-go!

Mamma mia! Fixing the tiles! When you begin you will not stop !!!!!
Today I received my first, by Monica !

What a nice, colorful and ... a lot!! Thank you so much Monica!! I'm so happy!
These ones that I sent

And here they are with mine, made last week ...

In these days I have done little for my son has a very bad stomatitis and it was terrible!

Some more detail ...

This plot is just beautiful!

instead of these little thoughts for the girl who gave her the Hello Kitty undressing: something new! I have also made the shoes, but I forgot the pictures! I hope to be like: we did not go just because my son was sick! (

Now I'm off! Take advantage of the sun to wash the mountain of laundry that is parked beyond!
Hello to all, good job and see you soon!!



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