Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cmc Powder For Fondant


spent a happy Valentine's Day? We do nothing about that, but we were together and that counts, because my son has a fever!
I wanted to show you the gifts made for my sister's birthday on Sunday: I warn you that are bad and photos! The machine did not really want! Uff! Here
his shoulder! I am destroyed it! I wanted to do it in cotton and I had this kind of tape! Very nice and durable, but hard to work !!!!!

Then Blog Cinzia I found a pendant with crystals suggesting a tutorial on Youtube to make it so I'm passionate! It 's easy to do, but very cute! Not I had never done anything like this, so I am also invented the ring!

I've done others in various colors and with various glass beads! Too cute, even if the smaller beads have made me a bit of sight and caused a bad sore head! I'll make certainly others! Hahhahha! This

instead I hung the bag ...

Definitely the smallest thing I've ever had! ... And yet this has made me a little more cecata ...

Finally, the children made these (and I am left without a spoon!)

Last night, in 10 minutes, my daughter and I have decided to prepare a table for Valentine's Day ... Never done it before. But then I decided that I never find enough time to "play", then there is always a worry about that stuff put away, or that is unprofitable to do or anything like that .. and then ...

(Of course, all materials of "recovery" ...

dinner arranged for food and heart-shaped
.. The kids are fun to eat!

Then I wanted to show you two tiles I am in love!

So far are the only ones made for me! But my favorites are the classic!
A post long enough! I have to go to do some cleaning and see what does my patient!

Hello to all!



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