Friday, February 25, 2011

Ways To Make The Unborn Baby Love The Dad


Yesterday I did not have time to do this post, so I do it quickly now, before starting a work from various luuuuuunga day!
is the prize that I won Stefylù , I recommend you go to visit your blog when you have a cute little time!

I decided to leave it all available to you, why and to discover new blogs I have met so many in this period!
serves to discover new blogs, so if you want a little publicity, and even take them out to give her another 3 or 5 blogghine, and they will do the same, by inserting the link of who won and who receives it!

Now I leave, because today is a day of what should have more than 48 hours!! And now I'm in pieces now! Hahahahaha!

Good weekend to all!!


Write Confirmation Letter Priest

tiles go-go!

Mamma mia! Fixing the tiles! When you begin you will not stop !!!!!
Today I received my first, by Monica !

What a nice, colorful and ... a lot!! Thank you so much Monica!! I'm so happy!
These ones that I sent

And here they are with mine, made last week ...

In these days I have done little for my son has a very bad stomatitis and it was terrible!

Some more detail ...

This plot is just beautiful!

instead of these little thoughts for the girl who gave her the Hello Kitty undressing: something new! I have also made the shoes, but I forgot the pictures! I hope to be like: we did not go just because my son was sick! (

Now I'm off! Take advantage of the sun to wash the mountain of laundry that is parked beyond!
Hello to all, good job and see you soon!!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cherry Lime Margarita O'charley's Recipe

The winner is ....

..... caught by my daughter with half apron made ...

.... 79 CHICA!
(which unfortunately does not has a blog!)
Then, since you were 76 members, I have decided to award a consolation prize, I have not yet because I have decided now!
I extracted myself and ...


If the first extracted is not done live, the first prize would estrarrei Faith and another for the second, ok? Look
address Chica, while the Faith I already have! Congratulations to all

two !!!!!
Many thanks to all the others, and if I could reward all there is not a way of saying Thanks !!!!! thanks to the participants and the new agenda followers have moved!


Lupusanticoagulant Results &interpretations

giveaway closed

Soon proceed with the extraction method, craft and publish everything! See you later!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Is Threelac A Good Probiotic

Tutorial: How to make a wool scarf pom-pom without tools (ie, mesh for Dummies!)

Well, as I have often said, I can not use the knife, or just do not feel like it otherwise I would have to learn the guard even more full of ideas!
But how? I view the scarf on the many blogs I really wanted and I have a lot of wool, bought at Lidl in a sale of 3 pieces for 1 euro!
mumble ... mumble ....
I placed a beautiful double cardboard on the table, but maybe a pillow or tacks on a tablet as a kind of frame short! Leaving a pom-pom hanging (not shown in this picture, but if you look at the work already well under way, one can see! Sorry!), I made one of the following a "pig tail" (I do not know how else to describe it! ^ _ ^) And I fixed with a pin at the intersection, planting them in cardboard

At this point we turn on the high labor, to begin the proximal lap I did with my hands, but I show it with a crochet hook to show you where the wire passes .
continue pulling the strings in the arches below and fix them with other badges

E 'ideal take on board a little raised, so that when you move the wire in the arch, will simply hang the pins, if you stuck them pointing down, creating hooks, and removing the first made

continue to the desired length.
(I am past the pillow during the work, because I went on to rattle a little on the couch!)
you could get away from the points arches, you may remove the pins, but you do not give up!!

At this point I cut the wire leaving the job after the last pom-pom and I did move the needle in the arch

I pulled and I tied. If you sew with short wire normal

The rest is acrylic, if you dissolve a bit with the lighter to attack the rest of the work, or sew. I have decided to close it so the scarf to "tip" because I decided I would just add quealcosa WHAT!
Do the same on the other side.

And here it is!

Oh, yes Faith! I knew that the tile you'd like it !!!^_^ is the outline: do not panic, I after the first, the do not follow him!
(Diagram taken from LUNA)

I hope you understand everything and that maybe some of you will be useful to all this: I will refer at all! This is the second time! The first time I used it to fix a stole a lady!
Now I greet you, step to clean up and then I will combine today!
Good job!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Leg Numbness During The Flu

Dato and had, all in one day!

with joy and relief, yesterday Rose finally received the bonus of my blog candy, here's the photo that made her ..
And here he invented the mini Amineko when

head on the hook has to be key ring or pendant to phone .

Instead, here is what I received from Stella to win (AGAIN !!!!) his play!!
I put them already, and here they are among my favorite orechhini!
I love them, I've always wanted, but I never found a pair that I liked! I am absolutely perfect!! Thanks STAR!!
Needless to say, the chocolates, apart from the Mon Cherie, being just two pairs, I have been taken from two certain little pests!!
I'm happy, like a child with new games!!
Now I leave and if I can, I go back later with a tutorial ... If you want to know how to do this
without iron and FREE CROCHET, review to see me!
