Saturday, January 22, 2011

Zebra Print Flower Arrangement Ideas

What have I done over the last few days ... The award

... I painted my owls terra cotta to begin with ...
I like it very much! Now I just have to finish the tile! I'm so nice things that makes this guy, I'd almost thought that I have to pack for the next fortune favors the communion of my puppy ...

Then I had available on office chairs shabby, and behold the transformation ...

are in order: for my son, my daughter and my! Are covered with old sheets and curtains!

But I did just that ... I started to prepare for the prize of candy, I have gifts "in progress", and this is one ...

Maybe you already understand what it is! E 'for a child born recently.

In addition, I did this for the birthday of a friend of my son

Invented at the moment.

I remind you that it is still in progress my candy!! I'm waiting!
ran off to do something, even if the weather is so gray and melancholy that makes sleep!
Good weekend to all of you my dear!!


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