Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How Much Does Jon Cryor Earn

The proximity

Once this poem ended here.

Then rose the other party.

then other things have happened

accents worthy of incline;

and there were additions and denials,

until the end came the beginning.

The beginning of life
is watching the snow

as silent light placed

painted on the cloth of the soul.

And looking believing and believing

be the logical consequence

of joy as you want.

But whatever

wanted to some point to talk

let's talk a minute only

or maybe two

just enough

"to the liquid chatter of sparrows,
within the sweet sound of life "

but once you reach this
stay in this

and nothing else, at least intrigue.

you But would you trust us?
the pain that lead

the pain that we carry

we do not see the stairs

then knowing only

that once all the poetry

ended up there, first of all:

you again would you trust us

pull so that for long?

It seems that this center

my dear, we are so close,
is the blind can survive

I'm not experienced much

here and blindly plotting stanzas

a language I do not know

I was told to create opportunities

the breath of trouble in a flash

yet sometimes only for a moment
sometimes only for a while yet

I seem to know so well that
beauty has no arguments

and could spread to sudden

lessons on this often blind to light

jar of colored edges

where each takes the knowledge

the only portion of wonder

continuing the journey chewed

might instead pursue every other
unexpected as the call of God

a gesture of hawk trembling

the promise of a sea between the foam

a whim of much greater things

disturbing all my heart renews

but this may not even poetry

that does not add to all creation

even if only one letter missing ...

Once the poem ended so

and nobody believed that the heart

knew how to fly so far

the unbridgeable distance proximity

that no one ever to fill

© Via Gabriele


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