Friday, December 31, 2010

How Can I Tell If My Suburban Is A Lt Or Ls?


La Bottega di Elisa

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Label Parts Of Pirate Ship

I left some necklaces made Fuwa Fuwa! Do you like? For the Christmas markets were snapped up and soon I'll just make sure.
For info: or contact La Bottega di Elisa on Facebook.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Light 2nd Line On First Response Pregnancy Test


Tomorrow 14 hours
Ends competition
giveaway post-Christmas
organized on the page
"La Bottega di Elisa" on Facebook
to thank you for loyalty shown to me during that 2010 is going to end.
remember those who
wanted to participate
that the rules are simple
but must be respected !!!!!!!

- Become a fan of the page

- Sharing the note of the competition on your profile
clicking on the "Share"
below the photo of the jewelry as a gift;

- leave me a message just below
note giveaway
writing "to participate and share."

If you have the profile closed for privacy, not be able to see if you actually shared the note on vs. profile ... ask the friendship !!!!!! !
I recommend the rules ..
just read
Let's see who the lucky raffled tomorrow !!!!!!
We expect

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Interesting About Cystic Fibrosis


To enter the competition post-Christmas it is necessary and required to follow the following rules:

- be / become a fan page of "La Bottega di Elisa" on Facebook;

- click SHARE at the bottom left or on SHARE below the photo of the gift first drawn will receive a free home, which is the jewel in the photo purple and pink

- leave a comment below the photo that says "participate and share"

E 'need to share my Facebook page or note the contest vs. the profile, otherwise there will admit to the competition!

extraction materializes Thursday December 30, 2010.
You have time to share up to 2010 hours Thursday 30 December 14.

Collarbone Pain Archery


Picture frame created on commission for Sonia, Christmas gift for her friend.
Angel and candies created in polymer clay.

Gay Bait Bus Clips Hotfile


Now reopen
custom commissions!
I leave you my email
to contact me
to place an order:
We expect

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Making Of An Rc Halicopter


Order for Noemi, bracelet style Alice in Wonderland Alice with Pendant created by Lolle Bijoux!
you like?

How Much Does Jon Cryor Earn

The proximity

Once this poem ended here.

Then rose the other party.

then other things have happened

accents worthy of incline;

and there were additions and denials,

until the end came the beginning.

The beginning of life
is watching the snow

as silent light placed

painted on the cloth of the soul.

And looking believing and believing

be the logical consequence

of joy as you want.

But whatever

wanted to some point to talk

let's talk a minute only

or maybe two

just enough

"to the liquid chatter of sparrows,
within the sweet sound of life "

but once you reach this
stay in this

and nothing else, at least intrigue.

you But would you trust us?
the pain that lead

the pain that we carry

we do not see the stairs

then knowing only

that once all the poetry

ended up there, first of all:

you again would you trust us

pull so that for long?

It seems that this center

my dear, we are so close,
is the blind can survive

I'm not experienced much

here and blindly plotting stanzas

a language I do not know

I was told to create opportunities

the breath of trouble in a flash

yet sometimes only for a moment
sometimes only for a while yet

I seem to know so well that
beauty has no arguments

and could spread to sudden

lessons on this often blind to light

jar of colored edges

where each takes the knowledge

the only portion of wonder

continuing the journey chewed

might instead pursue every other
unexpected as the call of God

a gesture of hawk trembling

the promise of a sea between the foam

a whim of much greater things

disturbing all my heart renews

but this may not even poetry

that does not add to all creation

even if only one letter missing ...

Once the poem ended so

and nobody believed that the heart

knew how to fly so far

the unbridgeable distance proximity

that no one ever to fill

© Via Gabriele

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Very Strong Pantygirdle


photo frames in wood, hand painted, created on commission Francesca.
The reindeer is Fimo, handmade, ditto the Christmas wreath!
Cream and pearls at will!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Streamlight Survivor Led Conversion

It's just my heart

It's just my heart trembles,

this side who discovers his mark,

in the blowing wind

above the water ...

It's just my heart trembles ,

this life-coated

the story of another fear ...

It's just my heart trembles

not an escape

known to be unsafe things ...

and a caress,

your smile,

a good word,

a hot bite

are a clear consolation

in this way.

not I told you so than ever before,

my love,

but life, this life

is a place where I had never been

Hear that?

It's just my heart trembles.

© Gabriele Via Torino, 20 November 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Kate Playground 1080p

Stone candy

many secrets to seal

of wisdom if they are

there obvious a prey to ignorance

the grass is always hiding in the fields

rock candy slot in the world
poetry and a sound confusing

and you think for an hour of being

in the sky is falling accent

falls as the beauty in the eyes

and say things

with immediate truth

lightning occurs

filled with clusters of juice

is wonderful and exhausting

still remain vigilant

the ability as a hunter in the capture

clean and diligent
love that words combine

combine know

so that just as a hunter

the poet knows the words

the sovereign task untranslatable


that bind and release

between flashes of sense

and a vague smell of profits shadows

prey poetry

revealed a secret from loved ones

who were and are

on the rock candy and you

with eyes of tomorrow for the next

who live in many worlds turned

with a tender heart to walk

decreed sossolino

second Rivers put

perhaps forgotten by God

confidently promise



and all this swirling spectacle

assiduous in your coat of lives
look and you can see

where it breaks the wind

made for the dignity of the rushes

bent tool needed to

and short bread finally

his grace stunned

and salt that has the smell of your face


you care and you do not know but

perhaps certainly

you coach in a nutshell things

for the slot in the world

life overnight

ripping the petals

and whispering secrets lapidary


so that the morning meadows

all still screanzati angels

obsession are colorful butterflies

who does not know anything

life remains

our questions

the morning dew

© Via Gabriele 31 October to 1 November 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Depo Provera And Mucus

Epiphany of things unsaid


were born as the poplars
to relax naked
quietly between the rows of sky


his fragile breath

many clumps and loose spots
between good scares of lights appeared
almost silence within
which opens at this
salvation as effective

and I be overflowing
speechless today


happy autumn colors
the blind end of things
stripped to the seed
that everything starts

comma bud scent

and found that feeling
it would end the sentence

and a fire lit in the houses
after a small effort
before the sun goes out

not to die more

© Gabriele Via Bologna, 22-27 October 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Reebok Xt Pro Skates Reviews

There is a thoroughly understand that you do not say:

I like your eyes,
facing and dumb
on the brink of the world;
because they are two
and seem identical,
and I can watch:
are there in the blind spot
of your face
s'agit and blindly to the light.

Imagine if we could see ...
-sometimes I say

... But we're so convinced
to see what they say
we do not see
the bright blindness of the eyes.

is there, as the Sacrament exposed
our vulnerability
our tenderness
our beauty

and offers the world
like petals and dew
the dawn of day.

We are made to be caught
in the breath of the angel
or crazy like butterflies in the Online
blindness when two become
a common history
and sounds of each wire stories

who can say if you see us?

And this hopeless venture
moans like a pearl oyster
produces its own story
generates other new eyes
who calls us to amaze
intended to print more Tracks
on the wall of eternal light.

And how the brain knows nothing

thought my eyes have never seen
the crepitaculo formidable in the world.

And here's a know

who has no need to see.

Again, we do not know
but that is precisely why
that we look again to hand
is why every day
we hug ...

That's why we love

© Gabriele Via Bologna 16 October 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ontario Archery And Bow Laws

Of Love is blind 'is three times that nothing


Death is. Life that sum

But between heaven and earth,

between head and neck,

life is. Full of defects ...

Yet it is always there;

not be made. The first,

shows, ventured, offer themselves ...

after months of hiding

hidden in everything and everyone

get there it is:

opens. Again.

The death of my father

is my death to my daughter.

We have to be. Help:

of 'three times that is nothing ...

But the translucent texture

pupa is calling you.

In a complex feeling

and continues

its visceral charm



very often it happens

that has not happened yet nothing

sometimes not

but is not life. As the death

is a bit 'more complicated

with all its faults

fully functional

often breaks

break as earthworms

and stops moving

and when it stops instead

here is the heat that goes

(where you where you where?

of 'three times is nothing

and even the body will take anything)


when I only sincerely,

we hug I always

and for a while hugging

close your eyes

close your eyes

hug and a little '

with all of our beautiful living defects

our only hugs nutrients

Love was born.

When you say 'a little' "

the prison is not free. from stone

us just a kiss

to recognize each accent

everything else you see

is resting on the wind

© Via Gabriele Milan-Bologna September 28, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Brent Corrigan Online Watch