Saturday, July 19, 2008

How To Trade Between Soulsilver And Platinum

Watchmen: Trailer Italian

" Watchmen" is one of the most beautiful and important comics that were never realized. The graphic novel written by Alan Moore teacher and artist Dave Gibbons is a complex and perfect, both in form and substance. He showed all the exploited and potential of the comics medium, irreversibly changing the world of graphic novels and unanimously recognized as being an absolute masterpiece.
Now the fictional universe of " Watchmen" is ready to debut on the big screen in the film directed by Zack Snider . Moore has never been happy with the film versions of his works and he's always dissociated, but ... seeing the first trailer of the film in Italian ... we tend to think that this time things might be different. Good divertimeno ... The countdown to the March 2009 has officially begun ...


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