Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Depo Provera And Mucus

Epiphany of things unsaid


were born as the poplars
to relax naked
quietly between the rows of sky


his fragile breath

many clumps and loose spots
between good scares of lights appeared
almost silence within
which opens at this
salvation as effective

and I be overflowing
speechless today


happy autumn colors
the blind end of things
stripped to the seed
that everything starts

comma bud scent

and found that feeling
it would end the sentence

and a fire lit in the houses
after a small effort
before the sun goes out

not to die more

© Gabriele Via Bologna, 22-27 October 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Reebok Xt Pro Skates Reviews

There is a thoroughly understand that you do not say:

I like your eyes,
facing and dumb
on the brink of the world;
because they are two
and seem identical,
and I can watch:
are there in the blind spot
of your face
s'agit and blindly to the light.

Imagine if we could see ...
-sometimes I say

... But we're so convinced
to see what they say
we do not see
the bright blindness of the eyes.

is there, as the Sacrament exposed
our vulnerability
our tenderness
our beauty

and offers the world
like petals and dew
the dawn of day.

We are made to be caught
in the breath of the angel
or crazy like butterflies in the Online
blindness when two become
a common history
and sounds of each wire stories

who can say if you see us?

And this hopeless venture
moans like a pearl oyster
produces its own story
generates other new eyes
who calls us to amaze
intended to print more Tracks
on the wall of eternal light.

And how the brain knows nothing

thought my eyes have never seen
the crepitaculo formidable in the world.

And here's a know

who has no need to see.

Again, we do not know
but that is precisely why
that we look again to hand
is why every day
we hug ...

That's why we love

© Gabriele Via Bologna 16 October 2010