Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ontario Archery And Bow Laws

Of Love is blind 'is three times that nothing


Death is. Life that sum

But between heaven and earth,

between head and neck,

life is. Full of defects ...

Yet it is always there;

not be made. The first,

shows, ventured, offer themselves ...

after months of hiding

hidden in everything and everyone

get there it is:

opens. Again.

The death of my father

is my death to my daughter.

We have to be. Help:

of 'three times that is nothing ...

But the translucent texture

pupa is calling you.

In a complex feeling

and continues

its visceral charm



very often it happens

that has not happened yet nothing

sometimes not

but is not life. As the death

is a bit 'more complicated

with all its faults

fully functional

often breaks

break as earthworms

and stops moving

and when it stops instead

here is the heat that goes

(where you where you where?

of 'three times is nothing

and even the body will take anything)


when I only sincerely,

we hug I always

and for a while hugging

close your eyes

close your eyes

hug and a little '

with all of our beautiful living defects

our only hugs nutrients

Love was born.

When you say 'a little' "

the prison is not free. from stone

us just a kiss

to recognize each accent

everything else you see

is resting on the wind

© Via Gabriele Milan-Bologna September 28, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Brent Corrigan Online Watch